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Global warming paragraph

Paragraph on Global Warming.

Global warming

In recent years, there have been many alarming reports to the effect that the world's climate is undergoing a momentous change. All these reports provide is strong evidence that the world temperature is increasing day by day. This is called global warming.

Global warmingAn increase in global warming is caused by the increasing amount of carbon dioxide around the earth. Most climatologists believe that the greenhouse effect is the likely cause of that global warming. Climatologists predict that midway through this country, the temperature may have risen by as much as 4 degrees celsius. This cloud catastrophically reduces mankind's ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage world life and wild and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland. That is the reason why it is a threat to mankind. The alarming news about Bangladesh is that, as the result of the rise of a sea-level, the southern part of the country's main one day goes underwater. The destruction of forests and other habitats is causing the extinction of various plants and animals every day. As a result weather patterns will change and the world will become very warm. We can prevent it by planting trees in large numbers as well as by preserving those that were planed before.

Global Warming

The rise in atmospheric temperature causes global warming. The main culprit for global warming is carbon dioxide gases. This gas is being released into our atmosphere for various activities. The burning of fossil fuels is the main cause. Every day a huge quantity of carbon dioxide gas is emitted into the atmosphere from engines, vehicles, mills, factories, etc. Trees and plants absorb carbon gases. But they are also being cut down in large numbers. So carbon gases are being increased in the atmosphere. Consequently, our earth is getting hotter. The effect of his global is dangerous. The ice in the Polar Regions is melting and if the process continues for a long time the water level in the oceans will rise and thereby flood coastal areas and farmlands will go underwater. The alarming news about Bangladesh is that for the rising of the sea level. The lower southern part of the country may one day go underwater. Climatologists predict that in the middle of the next century, temperatures may have risen up to 4°C. This could reduce mankind's ability to grow food and severely damage wildlife. So random cutting down of trees must be stopped. The tree plantation program must be made more popular. Sources of emitting carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide should be controlled.

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