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Addiction to Facebook paragraph

Addiction to Facebook

Facebook is one of the greatest invention of modern civilization. It is a social networking site who it is very popular among teenagers.

Addiction to Facebook
Addiction to Facebook Paragraph
Using Facebook has become a part of Delhi routine of many people's life. Modern communicates cannot think of their modern life without this social media. Social media like Facebook has made the communication of today's people easier. It is a source of entertainment. By spending too much time in Facebook people are becoming addicted to it. The uses of Facebook spend their time by posting picture, updating is status and commenting on or liking others picture or status. Some like to chat with their friends all day long on Facebook. By doing these teenagers waste their valuable time but thus it hampers their academic life. Many of them is stay 24/7 on Facebook and some even check it in every five minutes. In this way, they become isolated from family and friends and thus they become an social. Overuse stress, frustration and many physical problems. Scientists suggest that by giving time to family and friends  and engaging in social what one can provide the addiction to Facebook.

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